Indiana Chapter Initiatives Fund (ICIF)
The Indiana Chapter of the American College of Surgeons (Chapter) has established a Indiana Chapter Initiatives Fund, (ICIF) with the American College of Surgeons Foundation, (ACS Foundation) to allow members to financially support Chapter Initiatives. The ICIF is specifically established to hold donations dedicated for and restricted for the use of the Chapter to support the American College Surgeons (ACS) initiatives and its goals of improving surgical patient care and ensuring the professional standing of surgeons.
All gifts to the ICIF are held by the ACS Foundation as temporarily restricted donations for the benefit of the Chapter. The ACS Foundation is a 501C-3 nonprofit as established by the IRS. Donations to the ICIF are considered charitable contributions and thus are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
The Chapter is able to use the funds to provide opportunities to members of the Chapter in areas not limited to:
1. Educational grants to cover expenses to attend the ACS Clinical Congress, the Leadership & Advocacy Summit, and other
Chapter-related events.
2. Research scholarships and fellowships and international guest scholarships.
3. Initiatives consistent with the philanthropic aims of the ACS and the Chapter.
Anyone may donate to the ICIF. Once funds are received by the ACS Foundation they cannot be returned to the individual donor or the Chapter from which they were received.
Click HERE for information on ways to give.